Psalm 145
God’s Greatness/Parenting Psalm

1 I exalt You, my God the King,
and praise Your name forever and ever.
2 I will praise You every day;
I will honor Your name forever and ever.
EVERY DAY – I exalt, praise & honor God – I teach my kids by example
and praise Your name forever and ever.
2 I will praise You every day;
I will honor Your name forever and ever.
EVERY DAY – I exalt, praise & honor God – I teach my kids by example
3 Yahweh is great and is highly praised;
His greatness is unsearchable.
4 One generation will declare Your works to the next
and will proclaim Your mighty acts.
5 I will speak of Your splendor and glorious
and[c] Your wonderful works.
What do I tell my kids? I tell them of God’s splendor (He is awesome) and His glorious majesty (He is the King; He is in control).
6 They will proclaim the power of Your awe-inspiring acts,
and I will declare Your greatness.
7 They will give a testimony of Your great goodness
and will joyfully sing of Your righteousness.
When I show and tell my kids who God is and what He has done, then, THEY will proclaim His power and what He has done. My kids will see and have a testimony of God’s goodness in their lives and they will understand right from wrong (sing of His righteousness).
His greatness is unsearchable.
4 One generation will declare Your works to the next
and will proclaim Your mighty acts.
I declare who God is (He is great and worthy of praise) and what He has done to my kids – I teach my kids through my words.
and[c] Your wonderful works.
What do I tell my kids? I tell them of God’s splendor (He is awesome) and His glorious majesty (He is the King; He is in control).
6 They will proclaim the power of Your awe-inspiring acts,
and I will declare Your greatness.
7 They will give a testimony of Your great goodness
and will joyfully sing of Your righteousness.
When I show and tell my kids who God is and what He has done, then, THEY will proclaim His power and what He has done. My kids will see and have a testimony of God’s goodness in their lives and they will understand right from wrong (sing of His righteousness).
8 The Lord is
gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and great in faithful love.
9 The Lord is good to everyone;
His compassion rests on all He has made.
10 All You have made will thank You, Lord;
the godly will praise You.
11 They will speak of the glory of Your kingdom
and will declare Your might,
12 informing all people of Your mighty acts
and of the glorious splendor of Your kingdom.
When I thank God for who He is –gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, faithful, loving, good – and my kids see that – My kids will thank Him as well. They will also be witnesses, telling their friends of God’s glory, His sovereignty, and all the awesome things He does.
13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom;
Your rule is for all generations.
The Lord is faithful in all His words
and gracious in all His actions.
God is the same God for me, and for my children and grandchildren. He never changes, He always keeps His promises and everything He does is the right thing to do and is done out of His grace.
slow to anger and great in faithful love.
9 The Lord is good to everyone;
His compassion rests on all He has made.
10 All You have made will thank You, Lord;
the godly will praise You.
11 They will speak of the glory of Your kingdom
and will declare Your might,
12 informing all people of Your mighty acts
and of the glorious splendor of Your kingdom.
When I thank God for who He is –gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, faithful, loving, good – and my kids see that – My kids will thank Him as well. They will also be witnesses, telling their friends of God’s glory, His sovereignty, and all the awesome things He does.
13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom;
Your rule is for all generations.
The Lord is faithful in all His words
and gracious in all His actions.
God is the same God for me, and for my children and grandchildren. He never changes, He always keeps His promises and everything He does is the right thing to do and is done out of His grace.
14 The Lord helps
all who fall;
He raises up all who are oppressed.
15 All eyes look to You,
and You give them their food at the proper time.
I mess up as a parent and make unwise decisions, yet God promises to help me, to provide for me and to lift me up when it seems the world has different ideas for my children and I am overwhelmed.
16 You open Your hand
and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
My greatest desire as a parent is that my children love the Lord – God promises to satisfy the desires of my heart and I am claiming this promise
He raises up all who are oppressed.
15 All eyes look to You,
and You give them their food at the proper time.
I mess up as a parent and make unwise decisions, yet God promises to help me, to provide for me and to lift me up when it seems the world has different ideas for my children and I am overwhelmed.
16 You open Your hand
and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
My greatest desire as a parent is that my children love the Lord – God promises to satisfy the desires of my heart and I am claiming this promise
17 The Lord is
righteous in all His ways
and gracious in all His acts.
18 The Lord is near all who call out to Him,
all who call out to Him with integrity.
19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him;
He hears their cry for help and saves them.
When I just don’t know what to do as a parent and all I can do is cry - I can call on God. He promises to be near to me – which if you think about it is even a greater promise than if He promised to give us everything we think we want. God promises that he listens to us when we cry and He promises to help us.
20 The Lord guards all those who love Him,
but He destroys all the wicked.
If God guards all those who love Him and destroys the wicked – why would we as parents, who want to protect our kids, not make loving God the first thing we teach our children? Why do we get our priorities so mixed up? It’s simple: I want my children to be safe, therefore I teach them to love God.
21 My mouth will declare Yahweh’s praise;
let every living thing
praise His holy name forever and ever.
and gracious in all His acts.
18 The Lord is near all who call out to Him,
all who call out to Him with integrity.
19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him;
He hears their cry for help and saves them.
When I just don’t know what to do as a parent and all I can do is cry - I can call on God. He promises to be near to me – which if you think about it is even a greater promise than if He promised to give us everything we think we want. God promises that he listens to us when we cry and He promises to help us.
20 The Lord guards all those who love Him,
but He destroys all the wicked.
If God guards all those who love Him and destroys the wicked – why would we as parents, who want to protect our kids, not make loving God the first thing we teach our children? Why do we get our priorities so mixed up? It’s simple: I want my children to be safe, therefore I teach them to love God.
21 My mouth will declare Yahweh’s praise;
let every living thing
praise His holy name forever and ever.
all comes back to me, and my relationship with God. I need to put God first, to
make praising Him my number one priority and live my life in such a way that my
kids see my life as a living sacrifice to God. Then my kids will follow suit
and praise Him with their own lives.
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